Saturday, 5 December 2015

My Teachers

Inilah guru-guru yang pernah membimbingku di bangku SMA.... ^_^
Kita kenalan dulu yuuuu...

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Beliau Bernama Mr. Jawahir...Beliau guru bahasa Inggris ku..
Setiap minggu beliau mengajari anak2 anggota EL.Com ( English Lovers Community) debat bahasa Inggris looh...^_^

Nah... Bapak yang satu ini adalah seorang guru Kesenian,
namany Bpk. Sodikin Surya Soemantri, sya sangat mengagumi beliau... walaupun sudah tidak muda lgi (ma'af ya pak...^_^) tapi jangan salah, beliau sangat tajam pendengarannya apalagi dengan nada-nada ... selain itu beliau sangat mahir memainkan alat musik sunda ...
saya kangen blajar angklung dengan bapak...

Ibu guru yang satu ini, bisa di katakan "Amunisi Penyemangat" bagi siswa-siswa,
Mrs. Jenimah nama beliau... selain menjadi seorang guru BP, beliau juga mengajar Sejarah loh...

"Bu... engkau banyak membantuku, sampai akhirnya aku bisa menjadi seperti ini"

mereka adalah Mr. Dinaryo (guru Fisika), Mr. Nurul Huda (guru Matematika) dan yang terakhir yang mengenakan kemeja putih adalah Mr. Achmad Darmanto (guru TIK & Geografi)...^_^

Nah... ibu yang manis ini adalah Mrs. Tri Eriyani, beliau adalah seorang guru TIK,
meskipun seorang wanita, tetapi Ibu Tri sangat tegas kalo masalah tugas, selain itu beliau juga mahir mengotak-atik komputer. hehehe....

Ini adalah Mr. Fauzi, selain menjadi guru pengajar Matematika, beliau juga mnjabat sebagai wakil kepala sekolah bagian kesiswaan...^_^
penampilannya yang tenang, namun disegani (walapun terkadang di takuti oleh siswa pelanggar aaturan) hehe...

Ma'af ya untuk semua guru-guru ku yang belum tercantum, karena saya tidak punya fotonya....^_^
masih banyak guru-guru yang pernah mengajar saya di bangku SMA..

lain kali akan saya cantumkan ya ....^_^

Just for You Mrs. Devi

We live in this world with other people, we'll never live alone.  Because, we were born to be a social person.  The very first of being a social person is in our family, as there we have father, mother, sister, and brother.

They will always be with us when we feel sad, happy, health, sick, success, even when we are down. I believe, it will be different when we stay in dormitory, there's no family beside us. But because of the attendance, care, love of Mrs. Devi Yusnita at female dormitory, we can find a new family.

As we know that Mrs. Devi is a cheerful women, smart and also a beautiful women.  A month ago, officially Mrs. Devi has not been in her position anymore.  Maybe we do not have structural relation, please don't be sad.  Let's bear in our mind that we still have a tight of emotional family relationship.

We would like to say thank you to Mrs. Devi for your kindness, your care, your guide, your advice and for your big love.  We hope you will be a good mother, further more to be the best mother.

We will miss you mom...

Cara Membuat Database Menggunakan Microsoft Acces

Hallo sobat.. terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya :D
Artikel kali ini saya ingin memberikan tutorial mengenai cara membuat database menggunakan Microsoft Access. Semua pasti sudah familiar dengan salah satu program bawaan dari Microsoft Office ini, sebenarnya banyak sekali program yang ada di Ms. Office seperti Ms. Word, Ms. Excel dan Ms. Power Point. Ke-3 program tersebut memang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa khususnya, dan ada sebagian juga yang tidak tahu fungsi dari Ms. Access. Hehe
Kali ini saya akan membuat database untuk input nilai Siswa ataupun Mahasiswa. Ini berguna sekali untuk sobat yang memang akan menjadi seorang guru atau profesi lainnya yang membutuhkan database.
Oke, kita langsung ke TKP :D
1.     Pertama buka dulu Ms. Accessnya, kebetulan yang saya pakai Ms. Access 2010

Ini tampilan awal dari Ms. Access sob.
2.      Pada file name kita bisa beri nama lalu klik Create

3.      Setelah kita memberikan nama untuk database dan klik Create maka akan muncul tampilan lembar kerja dari Ms. Access seperti gambar dibawah ini sob.

Untuk memulai membuat database kita  klik View arahkan cursor dan pilih Design View

4.      Setelah di klik maka akan muncul tampilan Design View seperti ini:

Pada kotak dialog Save As kita bisa memberikan nama contohnya saya beri nama Nilai UTS. Lalu klik oke dan akan muncul halaman selanjutnya.

5.      Pada Design View terdapat Field Name, Data Type dan Description
Field Name : untuk menambahkan form apa yang akan di input
Data Type   : untuk menentukan jenis data yang akan di input
Description : untuk mendeskripsikan setiap Field Name (optional)

6.      Setelah kita membuat Design View, sekarang kita beralih ke Datasheet View dengan mengarahkan cursor ke View lalu pilih Datasheet View.

Pada Datasheet View ini kita bisa meng-input data sesuai dengan design yang telah kita buat sebelumnya.

Baiklah cukup tutorial saya dalam membuat database menggunakan Ms. Access  semoga bermanfaat, mohon maaf apabila banyak kekurangna dan terimakasih sobat sudah membaca artikel ini sampai akhir. :D

Jangan lupa untuk membaca artikel selanjutnya tentang Cara Membuat Rumus pada Databse Menggunakan Ms. Access

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Cara Mendaftar Infolinks

Pada artikel saya sebelumnya, sudah saya ceritakan pengalaman saya mengenai mendapatkan dolar dari modal Nge-blog lewat bantuan Infolinks

Infolinks hampir sama dengan Google Adsense.
Oke.. sebelumnya mari kita berkenalan terlebih dahulu dengan alat penghasil dolar ini.
Apa sih Infolinks ?
Infolinks adalah salah satu program atau alternatif lain untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog, Infolinks merupakan jenis periklanan Text Pay per Click. Memang sih untuk fee setiap clicknya tidak begitu besar seperti GA, jadi membutuhkan waktu untuk mendapatkan passive income, ya namanya juga usaha kan tidak ada yang instant, butuh waktu, usaha dan tenaga serta do'a. hehehe..

Intinya ketika kita mau memulai sesuatu harus konsisten menjalankannya, jangan cuma semangat di awal saja atau langsung menyerah ketika mendapat penolakan. Apalagi cuma karena ditolak cinta.. ehh ngelantur :D

Oke sob, saya akan berbagi informasi bagaimana cara mendaftar ke akun Infolinks

Syarat mendaftar :
  1. Pastikan sobat punya akun blog, Wordpress atau website lainnya.
  2. Isi postingan harus pake bahasa Inggris atau barangkali mau pake bahasa Spanyol dan Jerman.
  3. Minimal ada 5 artikel dalam blog tersebut yang tentunya pakai bahasa Inggris.
  4. Harus punya jumlah unique visitors tiap harinya.

Pertama saya mendaftar saya cuma punya 4-6 artikel, usia blog masih saya masih 17 hari hehehe, jumlah pengunjung perharinya juga nggak banyak.. Tapi Alhamdulillah audiencenya kebanyakan dari America karena isi postingannya bahasa Inggris, tapi sekarang saya sedang mencoba menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sob.

Hasil Screenshoot Audience per Week
Cara Mendaftar :
Ini langkah-langkah cara mendaftar ke Infolinks
  1. Buka website dengan mengklik situs ini
  2. Kemudian click " Join Us"
  3. Lakukan registrasi dengan memasukan data sesuai yang dibutuhkan
  4. Selanjutnya akan beralih ke halaman lain, disana ada Script yang harus di Copy di blog/web.
  5. Copy Script tersebut dan pasang di blog.
Nah sekarang gimana sih caranya memasang script tersebut di blog?

Cara Memasang Script Infolinks:
  1. Buka akun Blog yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris tadi.
  2. Pilih menu Dashboard.
  3. Lalu pilih Rancangan / Template dan klik Edit HTML.
  4. Pada HTML coba cari text </body> biasanya ada dibagian paling bawah.
  5. Bisa juga dengan menekan tombol kombinasi ctrl+F atau langsung tekan tombol F3 untuk menemukan tulisan </body>.
  6. Lalu pasang Script yang tadi di atas tulisan </body>.
  7. Kemudian Save Template.
Kalau pihak Infolinks meng-approve blog, maka akan mendapatkan e-mail seperti ini. dan kalau sudah di approve berarti iklan dari Infolinks sudah aktif.

Silahkan dicoba, semoga berhasil.
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog ini dan nantikan artikel dari saya selanjutnya ^_^

Monday, 17 August 2015

Menghasilkan Dolar Dari Infolinks Lewat Nge-Blog

Dapat $$ dari blog?
Masa iya bisa? ahh.. boong kali

Saya mau berbagi pengalaman disini, awalnya saya iseng blogging entah tahun berapa itu. Akhirnya itu blog tidak pernah diurus, hehehe.. kebetulan saya menemukan artikel tentang menghasilkan dolar lewat Google Adsense, berhubung saya orangnya skeptis saya nyoba sob, blog pertama ditolak, kedua ditolak juga, tapi saya tidak menyerah sampe disitu. hehhe

Saya terus surfing cari informasi mengenai Google Adsense selain tanya-tanya mbah Google saya juga bertanya kepada salah satu teman saya yang kebetulan sudah pernah menghasilkan $$ tiap bulannya dari mbah Google.

Katanya mendaftarkan blogg ke Google Adsense lumayan sulit, oke.. akhirnya saya terus bersabar sambil memperbaiki konten yang ada di blog dan terus posting, saya iseng-iseng mendaftarkan blog baru saya yang ini ke web Infolinks dan alhamdulillah dalam hitungan 4 menit langsung di approve. Seneng banget ga sih sob ??

saat ini penghasilan saya masih kecil sih, ya namanya juga newbie.. :P

Kebetulan blog saya yang didaftarkan ke Infolinks postingannya menggunakan bahasa inggris, waktu pertama mendaftarkan blog lewat Infolinks saya hanya memiliki 4 artikel. Memang Infolinks hanya mau menerima blog yang berbahasa Inggris namun ada beberapa artikel yang menyebutkan bisa juga mendaftarkan blog atau wordpress dalam bahasa Indonesia. Namun saya belum pernah mencobanya.. hehehe

Sekarang sudah nggak jaman duduk berlama-lama di depan laptop cuma Facebookan, Twitteran dan hiburan lainnya, coba sekali-kali buat blog sebagai tempat berbagi ilmu selain dapat pahala bisa jadi dapat penghasilan. hahaha..
sebenarnya lebih baik jika niatnya untuk berbagi ilmu, masalah penghasilan itu sih bonusnya. Kalau mau coba daftar ke Infolinks syaratnya harus punya blog/wordpress dulu ya sob. Bisa Klik disini untuk daftar.

Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya yang isinya gado-gado, nantikan artikel saya selanjutnya yaa..

Thursday, 13 August 2015

The beauty of sea Wave Karimunjawa Archipelago

My friend took this video when we came from Nyamuk Isalnd and Parang Island in Karimunjawa Archipelago.

I think it's so beautiful.. I love Indonesaia, Karimunjawa is a paradise in java island exactly at Central Java province. Many people thought that Bali is the beautiful Island in Indonesia, I think Indonesia has many beautiful island likes Karimunjawa, Lombok, Raja Ampat and many others.

you can do many things in Karimunjawa such as snorkling, diving, tracking mangrove, enjoy the sunset in Ujung Gelam beach, etc


Islamic Senior High School Student in Indonesia Learn Arabic Language

language is the most important thing for human to communicate each other. A long time ago when the language has not found, the human communicate with through their body language. Can you imagine if we only use body language for communicating?

It's not easy to understand each other without language.
as we know that there are so many language in this world.. but there are some International language such as English.

The students in Indonesia learn foreign language in their school. Not only English, for now many schools give foreign language study likes German, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French.

But, for Islamic Senior High School Students they also learn Arabic Language. Islam is the main large religion in Indonesia, because of that they should be able to read Qur'an correctly, and the language in the Qur'an use Arabic Language.

the text below is an example of Arabic Language that have learned in School.

مها رة القراة 

هذ أ أحمد . أحمد لديه هوا يا ت كثيرة مثل؛ القراءةوأسفر  والمرسلة . أحمد تلميذ نشيط هو يشتري  كتابا جديدا كل شهر ، أ هو الآن يملك مكتبة صغيرة في بيته . أحمد يقرا في أ و قا ت الفرا غ : الكتب والمجلات الإسلامية في مكتبته .في قولي يوم يقرا أحمد الكتب ثلاث سا ع ت تقر يبا ن .

الكتب ثلاث سا ع ت تقر يبا . و أحمد  يحب أ لسفر أيض . في ايام لعطلة أ لطو يلة يسا فر أحمد مع أسرته  أو مع مد رسته ا ل حد يقة الحيوانات أو إلى شا طي البحر و أحمد عنده أصد قا أ كسير و ن .فهو يكتب لهم الر سا إل وهم يكتبو ن له أيض .

so, it's important to learn Arabic Language for student in Indonesia especially for Islamic Senior High School Student. :)

Karimunjawa - Freediving under the sea of Menjangan Kecil Island

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Python - How to Make a Simple Matrix

In this video I share about how to make a simple matrix using Python, it's easy to do. So, you can try it by yourself, but before that you have to make sure that you have been installed the program of Python.

I use Python version 2.7

thank's for watching and coming to my blog :D

"Python" Can Make a Temperature Conversion Program

Good morning.. :D

I just remember about my subject study, Physics' Computation. In that subject my lecture teach us about computation in physics using the one of language program, we use Python.
we make some graphics, doing mathematics calculation, etc.

In this article I want to show you how to make Temperature Conversion Program using Python.

1. Firstly, as usual you have to open your IDLE Python, and then you can copy the syntax below:

def Conversion(s):
    print "==============="
    print ""
    print "Celcius    :",s,"C"
    print "Reamur     :",4*s/5,"R"
    print "Fahrenheit :",(9*s/5)+32,"F"
    print "Kelvin     :",s+273,"K"
s=input("Input Temperature:")

2. After that you can click Run, or press the button F5.

Further more you can watch this video Tutorial by clicking this link

Thanks for reading this article and for your coming to my blog :D

Part 2 - Karimunjawa is Paradise in Java Island

Let me continue my story..

Our first program is a Free Health Services and First Examination of Cervical Cancer, these programs hold in Public Health Center (PUSKESMAS) Karimunjawa exactly on 12th June 2015 at 09.00-15.00.

Our first program in Public Health Center of Karimunjawa Islands
We divided into 2 groups, one group for Free Health Services consist of 3 doctors (dr. Reza, dr. Fadlul and dr. Taufan), 2 peoples at registraion (Oah & Basuki), 2 peoples at medicine service (me & Kak Ayu), 2 peoples at blood tension service (Hakim & Zulfikar), and the other group in First Examination of Cervical Cancer consist of 2 doctors (dr. Naila & dr. Namira) and another friends from another group to help the doctors when do the first examination of cervical cancer to take an iodine, sterilized the speculum, hold the lamp and another helps.

Education, Economy and Environment's group of ENJ Semarang 2015 in Karimunjawa Island
Before we do this programs, we realized that we need some peoples to help us, because of that we ask the other participant of ENJ 2015 Karimunjawa Island form another group such as Education, Economy and Environment's group.

Because of the facilities of PUSKESMAS is limited we get some helps from Health ministry likes speculum, medicines, iodine, etc.
dr. Naila (red) and Me (blue) check the tools for cervical cancer test

Me (blue) and Mrs. Muntholi'ah as a midwife (pink)
There are so many people came to the PUSKESMAS to check their healthy and do the first examination of cervical cancer. Firstly they do the registration in front of office, when they called, they come forward to check their blood tension, check and consultation about their health to the doctor and then doctor give them a recipe of medicine. They give the recipe to me and I prepare the medicines which is has been written by doctor on their recipe. Besides that, Kak Ayu (I usually call her Kak Ayu; "Kak" is when we call someone that older than us) explain to the patients about the medicines and the schedule to consume it.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Dream is a word that consists of five alphabets. It's so simple but it's not a “Dream” when we was sleeping. A dream here is likes a hope or your goal in your life. Everyone have a dream without exception.
Every people have different dreams with the other, it depends on the goal of their life, their environment, their needs, and also depends on them. All of people in this world can have a dreams no matter what their job, their social status, poor or rich people, because have a dream is a right for everyone.
Wear a white shirt, using the tools of laboratory, do some experiments, make hypothesis and find a new discovery those are the one of my dreams. Because I think to be a scientist is the one way for me to be useful people in this world. I'll do my best to be useful people.
Day after day, I realized that to be a scientist I have to finish my study. It's need some times, and finally I found the other way to be a useful people, do you know what? Yes, be a volunteer. On 8th October 2012, I joined on Humanity Institution of ESQ (Emotional & Spiritual Quotient). This institution has some programs such as education, health and disaster rescue.
Our careness, sensitiveness will be trained and increased continuously. To be a volunteer it’s mean that we have to care about the other, give some helps without expecting something from the other. We should help the other because of humanity, we give a pure help.

I think when we realized about our existence in this world. We’ll try to be a useful people, our life it’s not just for eat, sleep, work, have fun and watch TV but also to make ourselves useful for the other. Our life in this world not only about our existence however it’s about our essence and dedication. :D

A Clever Mouse deer and Crocodile

There was a story about a clever mouse deer and crocodile, it was about a clever mouse deer that lied to crocodile.
One day a clever mouse deer drank in the river, he didn't know that a big crocodile spied on him. Suddenly a big crocodile got one of his leg, he surprised and he tried to find away get out of the dangerous.

“ Hi, crocodile I have a good news for you.” said mouse deer
“ O.. what's that?”
“ Today there was a party, and all of you are invited. So, it's better for you to call your friends right now.”
“ All right if then, I'll call my friends now”
After that a big crocodile leave the mouse deer alone because the crocodile going to call all of his friends. A clever mouse deer wait patiently. After minutes later, a big crocodile come with all of his friends.
“ Hi, mouse deer.. these are all of my friends. So, where's the party?” said the crocodile.
“ OK, but before we start the party, all of you are must march and I'll count you one by one.”
The stupid crocodile make a march, and then do you know what's the clever mouse deer doing? A clever mouse deer jump on their head and start counting them one by one.
“Ok, one.. two.. three... ten.”

When the mouse deer said ten, he jumped into the side of river and shout loudly.

“Bye crocodile, thank you very much for your helping.. “ a clever mouse deer laugh happily because he can pass the river by jumping on the heads of crocodiles. Mean while all of the crocodiles gets angry

Inspiring Story - A Corn's Farmer

A journalist interviewed a farmer to find out the secret behind of his corns which is always win the agriculture product’s contest. The farmer claim that he hasn’t special’s secret because he just always give the best corn’s seed to his neighbor around his plantation.
Why you give your best corn’s seed to them? They also follow the contest, aren’t they?” ask the journalist.
Don’t you know? That the wind blows the pollen from the ripe flower and spread around from one field to the other fields. If my neighbor’s plant is bad, then the pollens that will be spread around to my field are also bad. So, if I want to get the best product, I have to help my neighbor to get a good corn.” Answer the farmer.

It’s like our life. They are who wants to get success; they should help the other to get success too.

Monday, 10 August 2015

How to Make a Formula on Database

Hi guys..
Finally I can share with you again. Do you still remember that I have posted about How to Make Database Using Microsoft Access? And in this article I wanna share about How to Make a Formula on Database.
I hope you still remember in the last article we made database to input some information/data likes a test report of student, further more we are not only input those data, but we also can know the average value which is gets by students.
Ok let's check it out.
  1. First, open the database file which is has been made by yourself from this tutorial, click Design View.

You can add the Field Name with Total or Average
  1. Change the Data Type on Total (Jumlah Nilai) and Average (Nilai Rata-rata) into Calculated. Because we are going to input the formula.

3. For Total's Formula we add all the subject for example, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

And the formula for Average value (Nilai Rata-rata) we have to input the Total and divided with 3, because the total of subjects are 3.

4.  After that we move to Datasheet View.

In the Total (Jumlah Nilai) and Average (Nilai Rata-rata) columns have been filled automatically, so we don't have to calculate manually.

It's easy to make a formula on database. Thank you for reading this article and don't forget to read another article in this blog. I'm sorry if there was a mistake :D

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Part 2 - Karimunjawa is Paradise in Java Island

Karimunjava or also called Karimunjawa is the one of beautiful island in Indonesia, exactly in Java Island. This is my experience when I life in Karimunjawa.

I remember on 7th May 2015, I sent my CV to follow The program from Maritime Ministry Coordinator of Indonesia, the name of that program is Expedition Archipelago Jaya 2015 (Ekspedisi Nusantara Jaya) or as known as ENJ 2015.

How lucky I am, that I was chosen to be the one of participants. In this program I will explore the islands of Karimunjawa for 2 weeks and before I go to Karimunjawa, before we go to Karimunjawa Islands I have to gathered first in Semarang (West Java Province) on 8th June 2015 with another participants from various cities.
As we know that Karimunjawa Island is the one and only paradise in Java Island, Indonesia. I proud to be Indonesian People because of the beauty islands that we have, the culture, foods, dances, languages and also the friendliness of Indonesian People ^_^

Karimunjawa is located in Indonesia, Karimunjawa is a part of Jepara district (Kabupaten) of Central Java Province. The main island is known as Karimun, and the second-largest island is Kemujan. Karimunjawa islands have some islands such as, Menjangan Kecil, Menjangan Besar, Cemara Kecil, Kemujan, Mrican and many others.

Karimunjawa Islands' Map

In Semarang we make some programs that will be conducted in Karimunjawa. These program are include in several fields : Education, Economy, Environment and Health. The participants divided into 4 groups, they're grouped based on their ability. Firstly, I wanna join with Education's group but, finally I have to join with Health's group because they need someone to help the doctor's prepare the medicines during the implementation of health services. These are the member of Health's Group in Karimunjawa. :D
The member of Health's Group of ENJ 2015 in Karimunjawa Islands
From the left side (above): dr. Fadlun, dr. Namira, Basuki, Oah, Zulfikar, dr. Naila, it's me, Ayu (as a pharmacist) and dr. Reza.
From the left side (below): dr. Taufan and Hakim.

We make some programs for all the people in Karimunjawa, they are Free Health Services, Socialization and Early Examination of Cervical & Breast Cancer, Socialization about how to wash their hands and brush their teeth properly.

Firstly we held a free health services program in Public Health Center (PUSKESMAS) Karimunjawa.
A Free Health Services program in Public Health Center of Karimunjawa Islands
to be continue.. ^_^

Monday, 27 July 2015

Make a Bouncing Ball Using VPython

Visual Python or VPython as Wikipedia says that VPython is the one of Python Programming Language to make a 3D graphics module called Visual.

As we know that, using VPython we can create objects such as cones, boxes, and spheres in 3D space and displays these objects. This makes it easy to create some illustration especially to visualization physics' subject.

In this tutorial I want to make a simple visualization using VPython it is how to make a bouncing ball :)

1. Firstly open VIDLE Visual Python, I use VPython version 6.10 for Python version 2.7 win32.
if you don't have the program, you can download by click the link below:

2. After you open the VIDLE VPython, type the syntax as shown below. You can copy the syntax.

from visual import *

floor = box (pos=(0, 4, 0), lenght=4, height=0.5, width=4,
ball = sphere (pos=(0,4,0), radius=1,
ball.velocity = vector(0,-1,0)
dt = 0.01

while 1:
    rate (100)
    ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.velocity*dt
    if ball.y < ball.radius:
        ball.velocity.y = abs(ball.velocity.y)
        ball.velocity.y = ball.velocity.y - 9.8*dt

3. You can change the size of floor, radius of ball, the vellocity and the colour of ball and floor as you want.

4. Before running the syntax you have to save it first with file extension .py (for example: bouncing

Make a Database Using Microsoft Access

Hello guys.. thanks for reading my blog :D

In this article I want to show you how to make a database using Microsoft Access. I'm sure that all of you know about the one of program from Microsoft Office, actually there are so many program from Microsoft Office such as Ms. Word, Ms. Excel and Ms. Power Point. 

In this opportunity I want to make a database for input student's database.

1.  Firstly open Microsoft Access. I use Ms. Access 2010.

This is a display of Ms. Access .
2. We can give a name in the file name and then click Create
3.  After we give a name for a database and click Create then will appear worksheet of Ms. Access as shown below.

 To start creating a database click View and  select Design View

4.      After click  Design View will appear display as shown below:

In the dialog of Save As we can give a name, for example: Nilai UTS. After that click OK

5.    In Design View ther are Field Name, Data Type and Description
Field Name : to add form for input
Data Type   : to determine the data type
Description : to description every Field Name (optional)

6.      After make Design View, let's move to Datasheet View by clicking View and then select Datasheet View.

7. In the Datasheet View we can input data

I think it's enough tutorial from me, thank you for your attention and for reading my blog. I'm sorry if there are mistakes :D